How do I Prepare for the Tempting Treats of Halloween?

It can be a real trick to try and avoid the candy and other goodies that are synonymous with this spooky day. The key is to have a plan!

Halloween is upon us! While it’s always a treat to see what sweet and scary costumes the wee ones will wear, it can be a real trick to try and avoid the candy and other goodies that are synonymous with this spooky day. While there’s still some time, consider the tips offered here to make the day a fun one without the follow-up guilt from sneaking too many mini candy bars. The key is to have a plan!

To be clear, it’s fine to have a treat. It’s a special day and chances are that at least some of you will be up until midnight putting the final touches on someone’s costume on the days before. Depriving yourself will just make you want it more. The key is to be mindful when indulging in a treat. Pick your favorite goody and put it away for a time when you can really enjoy it. Even if it’s a mini bar, make it last for a few bites and really taste it.

Tips to Avoid Halloween Candy Temptations

There are a lot of temptations when you are literally surrounded by candy! Consider these tips so that you can enjoy the magic and mystery without it becoming a scary nightmare.

  • Buy candy that you don’t like. If you like chocolate, get gummies. If you like gummies, get lollipops (you get the idea). Or skip the candy altogether and get non-food treats like glow sticks, temporary tattoos, hair accessories or stickers.
  • Get what you need. Many communities have events as an alternative to trick-or-treating. Consider how many people you are likely to have visit your neighborhood and buy accordingly. Also, buy it on or as close to Halloween as possible — you can’t eat it if you don’t have it!
  • Have a healthy lunch and dinner. It’s going to be hard to be around piles of candy, especially if you’re hungry. Be sure to eat a healthy, satisfying lunch and dinner so you’re not mindlessly grabbing whatever you can get your hands on. Consider cooking extra the night before so you can just heat something up. And be sure to enjoy your Biocare beverages to increase satiety and get your health nutrition in for the day!
  • Step away from the candy bowl! If you are the designated candy distributor, keep the bowl out of reach. Sit outside or in another room and make yourself get up each time a group comes to door. Think of all those extra calories you’ll burn!
  • Give it all away! If the night is starting to wind down and you still can’t see the bottom of the bowl, start doubling the booty you’re sharing. You bought it to give it away, so get rid of it! (Another reason to buy something you don’t like!) If there are leftovers, bring them to the office or share with your friends.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Weight Gain during the Holidays

Halloween is the unofficial beginning of the holiday season where food is often a focus. The good news is there is time to prepare and plan ahead. Little changes, like drinking more water every day or adding a walk or other activity to your schedule several days a week can have a big impact.

Americans gain more weight in the 10 days after Christmas than any other time of the year, so incorporating a few good habits now can keep you out of that group. There’s no time like the present! Stock up on your favorite Biocare flavor and consider these tips so that you can enjoy the magic and mystery of Halloween, and the temptations that will follow, without it becoming a scary nightmare.


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